Sunday, November 25, 2007

What is there to be thankful for?

There are so many that we get easily frustrated with these days, it is easy to forget that we are called to be thankful in everything. Tim and I spend some time every night (well, most nights) in prayer ~ remembering the things from the day to be thankful for, and lifting up to God our cares. We have made a concerted effort to list as many things to be thankful for as we do our 'requests'. Some nights, it is quite an effort. In a day of wild kids, messy house, laundry etc., it takes more thought and reflection to find those hidden, or ignored, blessings. This excercise has helped me to open my eyes to the wonderful ways God has blessed us, even in the midst of trial.
We are thankful for:
Our children. We are amazed at their humor, their excitement, their love of life, their sensitivity, the way they cuddle down to read books with us before bedtime.
Our community. We are so thankful to be committed to a church community that is committed to us~to our children to our discipleship. We are thankful to be in a church community of people who are real: real love, real pain, real friendship, real joy, real search for faith.
Great Bible study groups. To help us along on our journey.
Our families. For the people who have supported us and loved us.
Looking back at the small things (laundry) that get us down, we are glad God has taught us to find joy. Looking ahead at the huge things that face us, like Tim's mom's fight with cancer and her upcoming bone-marrow transplant, we take comfort in knowing that He is with us each step of the way. That alone is something to be thankful for.

Saturday, September 1, 2007


Well, here we are, back from our first vacation since we went to Florida when Jeremiah was six months old. We went to the Christian Reformed Conference Grounds... Camping... for a whole week! It was so much fun! Well, it was also so wet, since it rained every day we were there...every day... It was a camp ground record, so we were treated to free icecream on the last day - yum! Jeremiah is with his second cousin, and friend on the wagon ride... they described themselves as boyfriend/girlfriend! Next is Logan making the best of the rainy days. He spent much of his time singing "rain-rain-rain." Next are the kids and Tim pulling the wood we bought - hard work!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

say cheese

Here are our adorable boys on Father's Day last month. Tim was so proud! Logan is giving us his best 'say cheese' face.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tim and the boys hanging out in the back yard. Jeremiah convinced Tim to wear his Bulls jersey so that the two of them could be basketball partners and 'match'.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Oh how great it is to be outside in the beautiful weather once more!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

whats new?

Hey! Welcome to our blog! We would love to keep you updated with the goings-on in our lives by posting such things as pictures and thoughts, cute and terrible sayings, toddler wisdom...the things that make up our lives and who we are. Enjoy your stay!